Every other day, I hear of spirits entering people’s homes and attacking them. This has become increasingly prevalent in suburban areas where there are fewer homes and more open grounds.
Here are a few ways to keep the evil spirits at bay…
1. Salt water baths: Nothing like this technique when you feel that your soul is muddied by someone or something. Particularly useful if you’ve come back feeling queesy after attending someone’s funeral.
2. Salt water bowls: When you feel threatened or subjected to a psychic attack, do this without fail. Take a small bowl and fill it with water and some salt. Keep it in the four corners of your bedroom.
3. Recite the holy texts, be it bible, gita or the Quran. Though I am not too well versed in other sacred texts, I know that reciting the four Qul verses in Quran keep evil away. Just recite them, blow three times on your two palms and pass them over your face, hands, chest, stomach, thighs and feet. It protects you fully.
4. If you want to know more such techniques, visit my friend’s website: creatorschild.com. He teaches something called ‘Devadhara’ or Ray of Light. It really works. I have tried it.