Log in to Vani Mahesh

From a software engineer to running an online library, it’s been quite a career swing for Vani Mahesh (31). It’s a job she loves doing: reading books, buying the good ones and recommending them to others. And that’s in addition to software development and maintenance … Continue readingLog in to Vani Mahesh

Sonal’s Solo

Variety rules Sonal Ramrakhiani’s life. She’s got a Gujarati name, but both her parents are Sindhi. And she was named after Odissi danseuse Sonal Mansingh. When she is not in the Titan Industries office at Golden Enclave on Airport Road holding fort as brand manager, … Continue readingSonal’s Solo


Reporting is much like life. So many people and attitudes swim by you, sometimes affecting you, and sometimes ignoring you. And reporters have a foible. They record just about everything: the social butterflies and the snooty touch-me-nots. Here then is a broad classification of the … Continue readingSpecies

Man at work

Bhushan Bagadia (21) met 700 people to pick 34 of the very best for the Femina Miss India semi finals early this year. The organisers were looking for 18 smart people to manage the control room, the hospitality desk and the travel counter. It was … Continue readingMan at work

Motor mouths

He is talking a mile a minute. The show is proceeding smoothly. And suddenly…chaos. He is hosting the wrong show. He is at the wrong venue. His head begins to swim… he hears a loud scream. He wakes up. It was the clock that had … Continue readingMotor mouths