I have long suspected the endurance promised by energy drinks. With the recent US study on Red Bull, my suspicions have acquired wings. Sure, the energy drink may “give you wings” but it’s not good for those with heart disease. What’s more, if reports are to be believed, it’s not good for anyone who mixes it up with alcohol. There’s something wrong with these batch of drinks. There’s too much caffeine (80% of it) and then there’s Taurine, an Amino Acid derivative which when combined with Caffeine gives endurance while exercising. But then, it affects those who show even slight symptoms of a cardio vascular disease, reports suggest.
So is consuming Red Bull good for you? Well, if it acts like a placebo, and you actually feel more energised, then why not. But if it could be one of the causes for a heart disease, it’s best left untouched. Who wants extra energy when you are not even around to make the most of it? What’s more, countries like Denmark, Uruguay and Norway have banned energy drinks, including Red Bull. Before the governments in 143 other countries follow suit, it’s about time we said ‘no’ to anything whose properties are similar to doping. The best way to increase endurance is one round of swimming. Ask Michael Phelps.